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Favcy Venture Builders

Favcy Venture Builders

Venture Building Platform. We work with exceptional founders who are solving large problems through digital products.

Favcy Venture Builders Present - Hieq by Abhishek Srivastava

Hieq is building a platform that helps companies hire and manage college students via campus ambassadors for tasks, internships and live projects.

Abhishek Srivastava

Favcy Venture Builders Present - CallXP by Aman Gupta

Callxp enables gig economy players and consultants to create their own digital studios with calling, payment and scheduling features

Aman Gupta

Favcy Venture Builders Present - Majig by Jibi George and Jiggy George

Majig is a Creator Commerce Platform that enables manufacturers of physical products to lease top brands and create online resellers to drive exponential sales.

Jiggy George